VetNow: Nationwide Resources for Job Seeking Veterans

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What is this resource?

This is an online resource by Brainfuse that collects and links to the best online job websites dedicated to helping Veterans find jobs.

What will I learn?

After you read this online guide, you will be able to:

  • Identify job search websites that are available for job-seeking veterans,

  • Determine which job website works best for you to meet your needs.

Key Vocabulary (to keep in mind):

  • Job Search
  • Veterans

How can I access this resource? 

To access this resource, click on the link below.

Click here to navigate to VetNow Nationwide Resources for Job Seeking Veterans

Need extra help? 

Click here to learn more about how to reach out to one of our Digital Navigators

Or, click here to find a relevant class or event in your area