iPhone Basics - Installing and Managing Apps

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What is this resource? 

This is an online lesson created by GCF Global that will teach you how to install and manage apps on your iPhone.

What will I learn? 

After you complete this lesson, you will be able to:

  • Explain what apps are and how to find them,
  • Browse the App Store for Apps,
  • Download Apps to your iPhone from the App Store,
  • Demonstrate how to switch between apps, close apps, and activate ‘background app refresh’,
  • Manage the apps on your iPhone.

Key Vocabulary:

  • iPad
  • App
  • App Store
  • Apple ID
  • Search
  • Swipe
  • Muli-tasking
  • Refresh
  • Icons
  • Update
  • Notification Badge

How can I access this resource? 

To access this resource, click on the link below.

iPhone Basics: Installing and Managing Apps

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