Digital Volunteer Initiative Lessons


Target Audience:  Age Range: Kids (5-9), Tweens (10-13), Teens (14-18), Adults (18+)

Format of Delivery: In-person

Setting: Classroom

What does this resource cover? 

This is a series of lessons created by the Southern Rural Development Center in partnership with the National Digital Education Extension Team (NDEET) that address different digital literacy skills. Each lesson includes a PowerPoint presentation and accompanying handout, and some lessons also feature a video (all are linked and downloadable). 

What will community members learn? 

Lessons in this collection cover the following topics:

  • Buying and selling online
  • Computer basics
  • Connecting to government resources
  • Internet safety for kids
  • Internet safety, ethics, and identifying credible sources
  • Introduction to email
  • Introduction to Microsoft Word: A word processing program
  • Netiquette
  • Saving, recovering, and sharing data and files
  • Social media savvy
  • Tablets and smartphones
  • Zoom hosting basics
  • Zoom participant

How long will this program take?

Each lesson will take approximately 60 minutes

What materials are needed?

Projector, projection screen, computer with Internet access for the instructor, computer with Internet access for each participant, pens/pencils, handouts

How many staff are required?

One staff member 

How can I access this resource? 

To access this resource, click on the link below and scroll to Digital Skills Lessons.

Click here to navigate to Digital Volunteer Initiative Lessons

Additional resources: 

Click here to submit a relevant class or event in your area to our Events calendar