The Big Data Dilemma

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Format of Delivery: In-person

Setting:  Classroom, Small group

What does this resource cover? 

This lesson is created by CommonSense Education and will teach ninth grade-aged students about cookies, other online trackers, and data privacy. Downloadable materials are available in both English and Spanish.

What will community members learn? 

According to the included lesson plan, after learners complete this lesson, they will be able to:

  • Define online tracking and describe how companies use it.
  • Identify the benefits and drawbacks of online tracking to both companies and users.
  • Analyze specific examples of online tracking and take a position for or against them.

How long will this program take?

50 minutes

What materials are needed?

Lesson slides (downloadable), handouts (downloadable), lesson quiz (linked), projector, projection screen, speakers, computer with Internet access for the instructor, computer with Internet access for each student

How many staff are required?

One staff member

How can I access this resource? 

To access this resource, click on the link below.

Click here to navigate to The Big Data Dilemma

Additional resources: 

Click here to submit a relevant class or event in your area to our Events calendar

Note: This resource has been crossposted in Children & Teens and Safety, Security, and Privacy.