4-H Tech Changemaker Lessons


Target Audience:  Age Range: Kids (5-9), Tweens (10-13), Teens (14-18), Adults (18+)

Format of Delivery: In-person, Online

Setting: Classroom, One-on-one

What does this resource cover? 

This is a series of lessons created by the Southern Rural Development Center that address different digital literacy skills. The 4-H Changemaker program is designed for youth in 4-H programs to work with older adults in their communities to teach and learn digital literacy skills. The collection features a guidebook for the overall program and lesson sheets that outline goals for the adult learners and the 4-H Tech Changemakers (youth). 

What will community members learn? 

Lessons in this collection cover the following topics:

  • Email basics
  • Resources: career journey
  • Searching for digital information
  • Searching for jobs
  • Strong passwords
  • Video conferencing

How long will this program take?

Each lesson will take approximately 30-90 minutes, depending on the format.

What materials are needed?

Projector, projection screen, computer with Internet access for each learner and changemaker, flipchart, markers, pens/pencils, activity materials and handouts (included)

How many staff are required?

One staff member 

How can I access this resource? 

To access this resource, click on the link below and scroll to Digital Skills Lessons.

Click here to navigate to 4-H Tech Changemaker Lessons

Additional resources: 

Click here to submit a relevant class or event in your area to our Events calendar