Digital literacy is now a must, not a choice in today’s world. On top of the preexisting trend of digitization, the COVID-19 pandemic added a huge demand to move online in work, school, and other aspects of our lives. Specifically in Maryland, reports show that 23% of the state’s households lack broadband internet service and the digital divide is disproportionately affecting residents in Baltimore and rural countries, low-income and older residents, and people of color. In light of this reality, the state of Maryland has implemented the Connect Maryland Initiative, announced last August by Gov. Larry Hogan, including $300 million in federal funds from the federal American Rescue Plan Act and additional $100 million more from state funds. This $400 million statewide package includes $6 million for the University of Maryland Extension (UME) to lead projects bolstering digital literacy and bridging the digital divide in Maryland. 

We, the UME Digital Literacy Project team, in collaboration with the UMD College of Information Studies, are developing and adapting appropriate digital literacy curriculum that meets social, cultural, and linguistic needs of users in Maryland; providing training and support for instructors volunteers, and residents who desire to give help to their communities; creating an online digital literacy repository website; and developing a digital literacy partnership network. To help improve residents’ digital navigation, we provide information via the website on affordable access to digital devices and broadband; increase the relevance of digital tools and adoption of broadband by connecting and incorporating digital literacy into programs such as education, healthcare, workforce development, extension programs, and other relevant services; and provide customized technical support. By putting these plans and effort into action, we desire to bridge the digital divide and promote digital literacy in Maryland. Join us on our mission to empower Marylanders by improving digital literacy!

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